Woven Together; Healing with Weaving Frame Loom Kit


This Healing with Weaving Frame Loom Kit includes the following;

  • One 9x12 Frame Loom

  • Weaving Accessories

  • Yarn to help weave a Woven Together Landscape Weaving in blues and green

  • A prepaid shipping envelope to ship your Woven Together Landscape Weaving to artist Debbie Barrett-Jones. Your weaving will be connected to a larger collaborative Woven Together Landscape Installation that will grow and travel to new locations. Your name will be recognized as a participant.

  • Extra yarn for a new project

Proceeds from this purchase will go towards Healing with Weaving Frame Loom Kits to be donated to such organizations as hospitals and medical and counseling facilities. If you want to suggest an organization that would benefit from donating these frame loom kits, please email us today. You can also make a cash donation anytime by clicking on this link.

Woven Together

A Healing with Weaving Community Art Project/Installation

In 2016, I began to envision my "Healing with Weaving" initiative to highlight the importance of how art, specifically weaving, can be a therapeutic tool for healing.  While my work has been placed in hospitals and places of worship, providing solace and reflection for visitors, I have wanted to find ways to teach people in these spaces how to weave themselves, giving them direct experience of the healing powers of the process.  

Living two years into a global pandemic has brought tremendous loss and grief, personally and collectively. I believe taking time for self-care, coming together with others, and building support and community is essential. Woven Together; Workshop and Community Art Project, I will be holding weaving workshops that teach people how to weave on a small portable loom and connect with each other, finding the healing, therapeutic and meditative benefits through the wonders of weaving together. This hands-on community workshop will allow you to take time for yourself and connect with others as you slow down in life, taking time for self-care while doing something creative with your hands, focusing on material, color, and pattern, one thread at a time. Weaving can help with anxiety, stress, grief, and loss, which helps you become a healthier and more grateful human being to yourself and others. Taking this time to come together, and sharing life stories that allow for human connections to see that we are not alone, gives us renewed strength, knowing that we are woven together in this life. 

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